Enrollment and
Made Easy

Reduce time and effort of setting up individual enrollments with Jackrabbit Care’s hassle-free mass enrollment updates. Whether your child care center is struggling to manage a full waitlist or you have seats to fill, Jackrabbit Care helps you easily manage your current and future enrollment capacity by giving you the most accurate picture of where your potential openings are.
Jackrabbit Care enrollment mockup screenshot

Easy-to-Understand Enrollment and
Waitlist Snapshot Reports

Jackrabbit Care waitlist detailed screenshot

Retire Those Erasers

Organize your waitlist and share it across your team.
Your waitlist management shouldn’t feel like algebra and it shouldn’t have you adding erasers to the supply budget any longer. Keep your administrative staff in-the-know and on the same page so openings aren’t over-promised or over-looked. Use Jackrabbit Care’s waitlist flexibility to add and manage new enrollments, move students between programs and forecast openings using real-time student and class information.

Maximize Class Enrollment

Use a single screen to seamlessly move students between classes and schedules for multiple families at the same time with bulk edits. Jackrabbit Care provides unmatched flexibility for multiple classes and schedules. Increase enrollment, reduce frustration and save time on accomplishing everyday tasks.


Accurately Forecast Based on Real Data

Forecast class schedule openings based on start and future drop dates according to class ages and birthdates. Jackrabbit helps you locate openings and make adjustments using the information you already have available. Easily pull reports for schedules, openings and waitlists to keep every seat filled.
Jackrabbit Care waitlist enrollment screenshot
Jackrabbit employees in stands with bunny ears

Make Jackrabbit Care a Part of Your Team

Grow your child care business with a team of implementation and support professionals who are dedicated to helping you get the most out of your software. Experience Jackrabbit Care’s features that will help grow your business. Whether you need to manage your center’s day-to-day operations, focus on customer acquisition or modernize parent and staff communication, Jackrabbit Care is customizable so you and your team can get started right away, your way.

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Fast & Easy Online Booking

Choose one of the options below and you’ll be directed to our online scheduler to select a day and time.

Woman with brown hair and glasses pointing