teacher and preschooler drawing with crayons

How to Simplify Processes at Your Child Care Center with Jackrabbit Care

Child care center management comes with many moving parts. From communication with parents to making sure you are compliant and your students are safe, there is always a to-do list to check things off. Utilizing a child care center management software can help you keep track of all of the daily tasks and close some of those mental tabs. Here are a few ways you can start simplifying the day-to-day at your child care center with Jackrabbit Care.

Easy Tuition & Billing

It can take hours to create invoices, apply discounts, bill families, and collect payments from parents at your child care center. Gone are the days of collecting paper checks and writing receipts. By using online tuition and billing, you are able to keep a record of paid fees and follow up with families that have outstanding balances.

To make tuition and billing at your child care center even easier, use online registration. Parents can enroll in a class, add their child to a waitlist, and fill out all medical history, waivers, and billing information. With the ability to set up a customized tuition structure for each class and completed billing information, you can automate your billing and provide detailed parent invoices.

Simplify Record Keeping

Child care safety and compliance are of the utmost importance. Parents trust you with their children and in return, you get to take a big role in the lives of your students. Keeping track of daily details is a big part of ensuring the safety of your students.

Know who is coming in and out of your child care center at all times with a check-in and check-out kiosk. Make mornings and afternoons easier by assigning parents a PIN that they can type in at the kiosk. This gives you more time to chat with parents and accurately keep track of student attendance. Your staff can use the kiosk as well to log their hours. With both parents and staff using this resource, you will have a snapshot of who is there to ensure you have accurate numbers for staff-to-child ratios. 

Using Jackrabbit Care’s dashboard, you can ditch the paper files, calendar reminders to update immunization records, and the search for medical records by tracking medical history in one spot. You can view allergies by child, class, and allergy type on one screen and keep up-to-date medical records and immunizations with status tags showing overdue, up-to-date, and not on file. This allows any of your teachers or administrators to pull this information at a moment’s notice. 

Enhance the Parent Experience

Part of running a child care center is consistent communication with parents. Whether you are giving updates on their child or sending photos of their daily activities, parents love to know what their child is doing. By using technology to your advantage, you can create a positive parent experience through a single platform. 

These days, the more mobile the technology, the better. When it comes to your child care center, the ability to chat with parents via a mobile app, take attendance, or pull up records straight from your phone lessens the response time and gets rid of human error. 

Whether you’re experiencing a normal day at your child care center or on an exciting field trip, using a mobile app is the easiest way to have everything you need in your pocket. 

Daily child care processes may seem overwhelming, but with the utilization of technology and the elimination of processes that don’t serve you, you can save significant amounts of time. Jackrabbit Care is a solution that will serve you, your students, and their families for years to come. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to simplify your child care center and focus on improving processes. 

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